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Einzelposting: *Spoiler* Aktuelle SC Chapter der Nakayoshi..

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Von:    Dark-Angel132 03.11.2009 10:29
Betreff: *Spoiler* Aktuelle SC Chapter der Nakayo... [Antworten]
Ich hab gerade die Summary für Chapter 46 durch gelesen und bin jetzt doch mehr als gespannt.. >.<


[..] Amu and Tadase find a place where all unborn Shugo Chara live.
They meet many Shugo Chara from past chapters.
Amu finds the shards of Miki and Suu.
A huge meteor shower happens on the Road of Stars.
Meanwhile, Kairi meets Yaya, who explains who Hikaru is.
They go to the Royal Garden, where Nagi and Rima are discussing Nagihiko's secret from Amu.
On the Road of Stars, Amu's hand is caught by what looks to be Tsukasa's.
He explains that Tadase just got lost, and she should go on.
He asks if she's afraid to grow up, and she doesn't know.
At the end of the chapter, she feels a brushing sensation, and finds Yoru.


[Antwort von LilyGinnyBlack]

[..] The bold parts are my points of interest in this summary (and in the forth coming chapter). I'll got in order:

1. I never expected there to be a place where all unborn Shugo Chara live, I always just assumed that they were born from each person's individual heart. I'm not too sure how I feel about this, since I think is would be directly contradicting the knowledge we have been given thus far on Shugo Chara, but I'll see where this goes first before I make any real judgements.

2. Yay! Kairi and Yaya have some interaction with each other. This makes me happy for a couple reasons, the first being that I happen to like the Kaiya (Kairi/Yaya) pairing, so any interaction between the two is appreciated on my part, the second thing that I like about this is we can get to see how Yaya acts without the others (Amu, Tadase, Rima, and Nagi) around, which is a rare sight, and we also get to see how the two act around each other. The final reason for why this makes me happy is because Kairi will finally be up-to-date on what's happened since he's left. ^^

3. Another scene to add to the growing pile for Rimahiko. Also, it's good to see that Nagi and Rima are discussing this, since we (as fans) have been wondering when Nagi was going to get around to telling Amu the truth. This scene gives me hope that it will be very soon.

4. When I first read through the summary I thought for sure that who I thought was older Tadase was actually Tsukasa, but then I read through it again and realized that the translation contained the words: what looks to be. What looks to be does not automatically equate to is. Even though Amu calls him Tsukasa, she could easily be mistaken just as many of us were, the person we believe to be Tsukasa could still turn out to be older Tadase, I guess we'll just have to wait and see. I think that the possibility of this person turning out to be older Tadase still has a chance because of my next point of interest.

5. Tadase got lost in the meteor shower. There could be two reasons for this. The first could be that, in order for the time travel to work out correctly, Tadase would not be able to meet his older self. Even if, at first, he thought himself to be Tsukasa, if Amu and Tadase were to find out that it was actually older Tadase there would be some major problems and time paradoxes. The second reason for Tadase disappearance could be the concept of the main character facing the end alone. For instance, in Harry Potter he had to face Quirrel alone, even though he started the adventure with Ron and Hermione at his side, in the end he has to be the one to face the "end guy." In this case, Amu will have to finish finding herself without the help of her friends, though she does have a "mentor" now (you could still be Tsukasa or Tadase).

6. The last point of interest that I have is Yoru. I didn't really notice it, until I read this summary, but in Chapter 43, during the whole airport scene Yoru isn't shown once. Ran, Miki, and Suu are shown to be with Amu, but Yoru, who is usually always by Ikuto's side, is not present at all. So, I wouldn't be surprised if Yoru was there because Ikuto is content with the person he has become and is now his True Self and basically an adult. It makes sense, too, that the Charas would return to the place in which they were born when they are no longer, physically, needed. No matter what the case is with Yoru though, I'm looking forward to seeing him again! He's always so adorable and sweet! ^-^

Ich kann mich ihr nur anschließen, was ihre Vermutungen betreffen. Es war grundsätzlich schon immer so, das Personen aus der Zukunft nicht mit den Gegenwärtigen Charakteren zusammen treffen dürfen. Aber die Sache mit Yoru.. Das wäre mir jetzt gar nicht so aufgefallen. o__O
»Never forget that I am more dangerous to you then I am to anyone else.«

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