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Mein Avalein;_;

Autor:  Melora
Anieinstellungen haben sich geändert und mein Ava iz Schrott und ich krieg ihn nimma hin *ausrast*
Datum: 08.05.2004 21:20
mal testen >_>
"I wonder, is there really God? If there is such existence as God, shouldn't all honest hard-working people be happy? That's right... no angel has smiled upon me... not even once..." by Sharon
Datum: 08.05.2004 21:29
°0° Ich seh es..aba nur hier -.-°
Datum: 08.05.2004 21:31
> °0° Ich seh es..aba nur hier -.-°


Ani was soll das? LOL XD
"I wonder, is there really God? If there is such existence as God, shouldn't all honest hard-working people be happy? That's right... no angel has smiled upon me... not even once..." by Sharon
Datum: 06.08.2004 19:55
*test* %D Muss mal testen ob mein Ava hier funzt, Forum, da versagt er wieder -.-

..... menno -.-'
"I wonder, is there really God? If there is such existence as God, shouldn't all honest hard-working people be happy? That's right... no angel has smiled upon me... not even once..." by Sharon

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